Life Event Circles
Let me introduce myself and what I do. My name is Angela and I am just a regular mother that has been through multiple major life events and have decided to take my first hand knowledge of many life experiences and help others that have been through or are going through some of the same things to understand and most of all, feel like they are not alone. Some examples of the types of "events" that are perfect for this Circle are:
Survivors of...
Child molestation
Drug/Alcohol abuse
Child or spouse w/ special needs
Child w/ life threatening disease
Child w/ life threatening injuries
Major depression
Nervous/mental breakdown
And so on...
take control of
It is time to take control of your life once and for all. You have dealt with so much in your life that you deserve some time for yourself. Have you ever looked around and realized that none of your friends truly understand what you have been through or are going through? It happens and it is not their fault. Only someone that has been through it knows what it is like.
Enter The Life Circle Challenge
Life Circle
Since my private Circles love this I thought I would also bring it to my public Circles. This challenge involves you filling out the above form explaining why being part of the Life Circles (you would need to specify which one you registered for) means so much to you and how you think being part of a tight group like this could change your life.
Then, I will go through each and every one of them and choose a winner. The winner will be announced and 100% reimbursed at their Life Circle. This is always such a big hit! After the Life Circle, with your permission, your story will be posted in the blog section of this site and on the Life Event Facebook page.
It is time! Come to one of my Life Circles and you will understand exactly what I am talking about.
Since I am new to the on-line version, I am in need of feedback!! Please either use the contact me page or email me directly answering all of the below questions. Thank you.
My Eight Essential Questions
1. What hesitations did you have about working with me?
2. What results have you achieved since we started working together?
3. What did you like best about working with me?
4. How else have you benefited from our work together?
5. Would you recommend me and my services? If so, why and to whom?
6. Is there anything you would have liked to see done differently? If so, what?
7. What's the most important thing people should know about working with me?
8. If there anything else you'd like to add?
Angela Godbout
Founder & Life Event Survivor
stop wanting