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Reiki Treatments



Reiki Healing: 1 to 1-1/5 hour sessions $50.00


  • Hands On Healing (Full Body)

  •  Aura Cleansing

  • Grounding

  • Lying Down Position

  • Plan for course of treatment


Rapid Reiki Treatment: 15 to 30 minute sessions $30.00


  •     Hands On Healing (Major Chakra Points)

  •     Grounding

  •     Seated Position


  • One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the body’s natural healing abilities (immune system), aids in better sleep and improves and maintains health.

  • Reiki helps bring about inner peace and harmony. It can be valuable tool in the quest for spiritual growth

  • Reiki also balances the mind and emotions. Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress. This mental balance also enhances learning, memory and mental clarity. Reiki can heal mental/emotional wounds, work through dysfunction In more severe situations, Reiki can help alleviate mood swings, fear, frustration and even anger. Reiki can also strengthen and heal personal relationships. Because Reiki enhances your capability to love, it can open you up to the people around you and help your relationships grow. By improving your capacity for empathy, Reiki allows you to connect with people on a deeper level.

  • Reiki offers relief during emotional distress and sorrow. Reiki helps in the grieving process. It cleans and clears the emotions, preventing them from being so draining and offers perspective.

  • On the physical level, Reiki helps to relieve pain from migraine, arthritis, sciatica ~ just to name a few. It also helps with symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, menopausal symptoms, and insomnia.

  • Reiki speeds up recovery from surgery or long-term illness. As it helps in adjusting to medicine/treatment, it also tends to reduce side-effects. For example, Chemo-therapy patients who received Reiki noticed a marked decrease in side effects from treatment.

  • Reiki can be an effective way to treat immediate problems, such as physical or mental illness (recovery from surgery, but regular treatments can also improve overall health. By helping to maintain a state of physical and emotional balance, Reiki can not only treat problems, but perhaps even prevent them from ever developing.


Reiki is for everyone: it heals adults, babies, toddlers, children, elderly and pets.




As soon as I get feedback from my new clients, it will be posted here for all to see.


As soon as I get feedback from my new clients, it will be posted here for all to see.



Reiki can be used to treat your children throughout their lives. From the early
days and months through puberty, adolescence and into adulthood.


  •  Reiki is wonderful for all their aches and pains. Instinctively we touch or kiss our

children better when they fall or injure themselves. With Reiki we speed up the
healing process and boost their own natural healing abilities.


  •  Reiki is a special gift you can share with your children. We recommend you teach

your own children the five principles of Reiki and have them incorporate them into
their lives.


  •  Children love Reiki. If possible you should introduce and attune your children to

Reiki. It will help them focus and find their own path in life.


  •  Use Reiki at bedtime to help your children drift off to sleep.


  •  Reiki balances your child’s mind body and spirit leading to a clearer more

focussed approach to life at school and at home.


  •  When a child has an accident they often cry because of the shock. Treat your

child by placing one of your hands on their solar plexus and the other at the base
of the spine.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle
or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharton


Pregnancy & Babies

Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! - Audrey Hepburn


Reiki is both safe and extremely beneficial to an unborn child and their pregnant mother.

We have found that women who have studied the first degree and are attuned to the
universal life force find the experience of pregnancy and childbirth more enjoyable and
easier to cope with. Reiki can help during pregnancy in various ways such as:


  •  Reiki alleviates morning sickness.


  • Reiki reducing stress and tiredness.


  •  Reiki stimulates the babies’ healthy development.


  •  Reiki can be used to treat painful muscles, joints or the spine.


  •  Reiki strengthens the bond between a mother and her baby. When a mother who

is attuned to Reiki places her hands on her tummy she is passing pure
unconditional love and healing to her unborn child.


  •  Reiki keeps the mind body and spirit in balance reducing the chances of post

natal depression.


  •  Reiki nourishes the foetus with love and the universal life force. It gently comforts,

protects and envelops the unborn baby.


  •  If the father of an unborn baby is a Reiki practitioner he can also help during the

pregnancy by treating his partner. The important bond between father and child
will also be stimulated each time he places his hands on his partners’ pregnant
tummy. The father can communicate through his hands with his child.


  •  Reiki can help couples who are finding it difficult to conceive a child by reducing

stress and stimulating both the females’ natural reproductive cycle and the males’
production of sperm. In many cases when a couple are desperate for a child they
place extreme stress on themselves causing an imbalance of their mind body and spirits. So often the moment they give up and forget about trying to have children,
and the pressure and stress factor is removed many couples find their prayers
are answered and a pregnancy is discovered.




  • Reiki can accelerate the recovery time of the mother and baby after the birth. It is

especially good for caesareans sections and healing the various scars and
stitches often associated with childbirth.



  •  Reiki can be used to heal the babies’ umbilical cord.


  •  Reiki can be used to vitalised and nourish the mother’s milk if the baby is breast

feed. Alternatively, if the baby is to be bottled feed the formula can be treated with
Reiki. Treating and enriching the babies food can help nourish and satisfy the
babies hunger. This will help them suckle until they are content and full. Regular
filling feeds lead to less sleepless nights. Something all parents pray for.


  • Reiki stimulates balance in the new born baby. It can easily be channelled to the

baby whenever the mother or father (depending on who has been attuned to the
energy) touches their child.


  • Reiki can be used to help treat cradle cap, colic and wind.


Important Note: Always consult your doctor no matter how trivial it may seem if you are concerned about your baby.



Being a teen is stressful. Hormones are raging, peers create drama, school is demanding, relationships with parents and siblings can be tense.

There is something you can do to ease the stress and help yourself balance and deal more effectively with what life is throwing at you.  

For teenagers, Reiki can help enormously and provide so much relief, as the stresses this period in life brings, can seem so overwhelming. Whatever the difficulty might be, Reiki will ease the pressure, stress or pain. Whether it’s:


  • Feeling shy, nervous or anxious

  • Difficulty in communicating/ Not being understood

  • Acne or Period Pains

  • Feeling angry, sad or lonely

  • Academic pressures

  • Bullying or people are being unkind


  • Abuse

  • Confusion over which direction to go in

  • Low confidence levels

  • Family issues

  • Boyfriend or girlfriend problems



  • Enhances overall well-being.Just like people, even healthy pets can have occasional physical, emotional and mental imbalances that, if left untreated, can manifest as illness. Periodic Reiki treatments can help maintain your pet’s natural state of well-being and balance.

  • Strengthens the immune system for cancer therapies.Cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation present stress to an already compromised immune system. Reiki strengthens the immune system to better deal with this additional stress. It helps alleviate or prevent the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and provides pain relief.

  • Accelerates healing following surgery or illness.Reiki can alleviate and prevent side effects of conventional medications such as pain killers and antibiotics, and provides pain relief and relaxation to facilitate and enhance the body’s natural healing response.

  • Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.People and pets often mirror each others’ physical and emotional states. Animals are natural healers and sometimes take on their person’s problems, often in an attempt to heal them. This happens because of the deep bond shared between a pet and his or her person. Because of the shared energy in such a close relationship, energetic imbalances are shared as well. For optimum healing, joint treatments for people and their pets can often be beneficial.

  • Can help with behavior issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction.Many behavior issues are caused by stress. Reiki has a calming effect on the pet and may help make the pet more receptive to training and behavior modification. Reiki is extremely beneficial for animals with a history of abuse. The gentle touch and the energy can help restore trust in animals who have learned to associate touch with being hurt.

  • Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and fear for terminally ill animals.Reiki is a wonderful way to facilitate the transition for terminally ill animals and their owners. Often, animals will not allow themselves to transition because they intuitively feel that their person is not ready to let them go. Joint Reiki treatments for the pet and his or her person can help both through this difficult time by enhancing the bond and allowing a gentle transition.


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